Hello / Sawubona / Goeie Dag

Andante Primary School, a private mainstream and inclusive school was established in 2000 with only eight learners and have since grown and flourished into a well established school. We take pride in our little family and homely atmosphere as it allows children to develop emotionally and educationally. Situated in Ladysmith, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, we value the uniqueness of each individual and strive to assist each child to reach their full potential. We strive to be the best, an outstanding centre of education where our learners become the productive well rounded adults of tomorrow and worthy citizens of our beautiful country.


DIAMOND SHAPE– Diamonds are put through a very painful process to be formed into the required shape. In life we all go through pain and hardships in order to grow into Adulthood

INITIATIVE – By the use of self-observation, critical thinking, self-evaluation and exploration, a learner thinks for him/herself to reach a solution and understand processes in their education. The word “INITIATIVE” are the handrails over the bridge spanning ignorance and knowledge.

CANDLE– The light of knowledge and learning. Jesus, the Light of the World.

RISING SUN– The warmth that comes with knowledge.

JOY, RESPECT AND PRIDE– The perfect diamond (us) cannot be shaped without these three entities.

ANDANTE– an Italian term used in music, meaning: at a moderate pace.

BRIDGE– The pathway spanning ignorance and knowledge